X-Wing Pilot

Nett, Theron
species: human
homeworld: unknown
affiliation: Rebel, New Republic and Galactic Aliance
category: pilot - X-Wing Starfighter
weapon: blaster
films I   II  III  S  RO  IV  V  VI  VII  VIII  IX 
series | more JA  CW  BB  OW  RB  CA  SC  M  BF  AS  RS  EU
Star Wars databank: X-Wing Starfighter
Wookieepedia: X-wing
remark: resemblance to Theron Nett aka "Red Ten"
Brickipedia: X-Wing Pilot
BrickLink: sw0544 - inv
version | variant: 75032 - printed legs, helmet with yellow circles
feature: -
first release: 2014
weapon: blaster, small - black
remark: later ID'd as Theron Nett - SDCC'14 display
LEGO set: 75032 - Microfighter X-Wing Starfigher
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