LEGO website: www.lego.com
LEGO Star Wars website: LEGO SW webshop
LEGO online shop: shop.lego.com
LEGO building instructions: us.service.lego.com/buildinginstructions/
Star Wars™
Star Wars website: www.starwars.com
Star Wars encyclopedia: www.starwars.com/explore/...
BrickLink - the unofficial LEGO marketplace: www.bricklink.com
Ebay - buy and sell LEGO Star Wars figs: www.ebay.com/...
Price Guides
MinifigPriceGuide - Top 100 Figures: www.minifigpriceguide.com/top100...
MinifigPriceGuide - Look up the prices: www.minifigpriceguide.com
BrickLink - Price Guide Info: www.bricklink.com/catalogPG...
CapnRex101: brickset.com/news/category-Set-review
JANGBRICKS: youtube.com/c/JANGsLEGOreviews
MandRproductions: youtube.com/MandRproductions
Wookieepedia - a Star Wars encyclopedia: starwars.wikia.com
Brickipedia - a LEGO wiki: brickipedia.fandom.com
LEGO Star Wars sites I often visit:
Hoth Bricks - a french LEGO SW blog: www.hothbricks.com
Brickset - your LEGO set guide: www.brickset.com
The Brothers Brick - a LEGO blog for adult fans: www.brothers-brick.com